Author name: icoh2021

All visitors to Australia must have a valid visa to travel to and enter Australia. Travellers to Australia cannot apply for a visa on arrival, with the exception of New Zealand and Norfolk Island passport holders, who will usually be issued a visa on arrival in Australia provided they meet health and character requirements. It […]

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Apr 23, 2018 Roger Lai is Federal Treasurer of the Australian New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine (ANZSOM) and consults across large government agencies as an occupational physician. Roger is actively involved in training and education, both in developing new fellow occupational physicians and introducing best practices into the organisations he works with. He believes

Roger Lai MBBS MOHS FAFOEM Read More »

Apr 23, 2018 Dr John Heydon is the President of the New Zealand branch of the Australian New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine (ANZSOM). He is the occupational physician for the University of Otago, New Zealand’s oldest university. He also works as a medical advisor for the Accident Compensation Corporation in New Zealand, and in

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Apr 23, 2018 Melinda is the Australian New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine President and an occupational health professional with more than 30 years experience in workplace health safety and wellbeing.

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Malcolm Sim ICOH 2021 Organising Committee Chair   Melinda Miller ANZSOM President   Maureen Dollard   Tim Driscoll   Deborah Glass   Desmond Gul ICOH 2021 Secretariat   John Heydon ANZSOM NZ Branch President   Miguel Sergio Kabilio ANZSOM WA Branch Chairperson   Fiona Langdren ANZSOM Secretariat Roger Lai ANZSOM Treasurer General   Peter Conaughton

National Organising Committee Read More »

 Valuable sponsorship and exhibition opportunities are available at ICOH 2022. Engagement will be integral to the Congress experience and will enable organisations to showcase their products and services and provide valuable solutions to challenges in the field of occupational health and medicine. Organisations will have the opportunity to meet face to face and build and

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Professor Paul Blanc University of California San Francisco USA The past as prologue: how the history of occupational illness and injury teaches us about today Associate Professor Hanifa Denny Diponegoro University Indonesia Effectiveness of basic occupational health services in the informal sector Professor Frida Marina Fischer University of Sao Paulo Brazil Impact of the 24

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Professor Sir Michael Marmot University College London UK Health inequalities in the workplace Keynote Speaker Professor Sir Michael Marmot is Professor of Epidemiology at University College London, and President of the World Medical Association. He is the author of The Health Gap: the challenge of an unequal world (2015) and Status Syndrome: how your place

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Professor Paul Blanc University of California San Francisco USA The past as prologue: how the history of occupational illness and injury teaches us about today Plenary Speakers Dr Paul D. Blanc MD MSPH is Professor of Medicine, holding the Endowed Chair in Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the University of California San Francisco, where he

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